Take Public Transport To Hungexpo, Venue Of World Dog Exhibition In Budapest
- 17 May 2013 9:00 AM

Dogs and their owners will roam the grounds of Hungexpo from Wednesday, 15 May to Sunday, 19 May 2013: Wednesday is dedicated to the International Dog Show, while from Thursday to Sunday, the Dog World Exhibition will take place at the site in Kőbánya.
Most parking spaces on Albertirsai út, at Hungexpo and Kincsem Park are expected to be taken by dog-owners, not leaving any to visitors, therefore we recommend public transport for reaching the venue.
Both BKK and Hungexpo Zrt. have taken several steps to ensure smooth traffic and undisturbed bus services as much as possible – such as the re-programming of traffic lights and providing faster car entry to the event – high road traffic may still cause congestion on the route of Bus 100. Therefore, we would also like to recommend several fast fixed-rail travel options, which are not affected by road traffic conditions.
Access to Hungexpo Fairgrounds
Bus 100: operates more frequently between Örs vezér tere M and Hungexpo as requested and ordered by the event organiser for the period 15 to 19 May. Click here to see timetable
In Örs vezér tér M+H terminus as well as in Expo tér stop of bus 100 employees of BKK will inspect tickets, travelcards, passes and travel certificates of passengers right before they get on board. The passengers who are not in possession of a valid ticket or pass can purchase a ticket in the amount of 350 HUF from the security guards who will also inspect tickets.
Trams 37 or 37A: walk 6-7 minutes through the underpass underneath Kőbánya felső train station from the stop of trams 37 or 37A arriving from the Blaha Lujza tér M (Népszínház utca) terminus to reach Hungexpo’s Gate III
metro: walk about 15 minutes from the Pillangó utca stop of metro line M2 to reach the main gate
train: several departures from Keleti pályaudvar (railway station) of trains that stop at Kőbánya felső. Gate III is a 5-minute walk away from the Kőbánya felső stop. Take any regular train towards Gödöllő, Hatvan, Sülysáp, Nagykáta and Szolnok, travel time is 5 minutes. Budapest-passes are valid on these trains. (Please visit www.mav-start.hu for further information)
Detour options suggested to motorists
Approximately 5000 dogs will be transported by cars to Budapest during the event between 10:00 and 11:00. Consequently, 5000 cars will be using Albertirsai út around this time period. Since the public road will not be able to handle such an amount of increased traffic in the morning peak hours, congestion is expected. In the morning hours the biggest congestion is expected on Kerepesi út on the section in front of Albertirsai út in the direction away from the city centre, which will be expected to have an impact on traffic on Hungária út, Pongrác út, Fogarasi út and – in unfortunate conditions – on Rákóczi út, as well. Albertirsai út is not recommended for through-traffic at all since guests arriving to the exhibition will occupy this route completely.
Vajda Péter utca, Kőbányai út, Mogyoródi út, Egressy út and Thököly út – except for the section between Dózsa György út and Baross tér – are recommended from/to the suburbs to/from the city centre depending on the starting point and the destination. Instead of the ringroads , the alternative route is via Orczy út-Fiumei út-Rottenbiller utca.
However, if you can, please take public transport instead.
Road traffic changes on Albertirsai út during the exhibition
On the days of the event, from 6:00 to 11:00 every morning both traffic lanes will be open only in the direction of Hungexpo on the section of Albertirsai út between Kerepesi út and the entrance of Kincsem Park. The bus lane will also be used by cars going towards Kerepesi út in addition to buses: the small number of cars leaving the venue will not disturb bus services. Cars coming from the dual lanes towards the fairgrounds will fill up the parking spaces more quickly, which means that eventual congestion will flow over to Kerepesi út only to a lesser extent. Regular road traffic will be resumed after 11:00 on Albertirsai út on all five days of the event. The traffic changes will be indicated by road signs and traffic police will be on duty on site as well.
Parking fee payment takes place when exiting in order to ensure quick entry.
For further information on the event, please visit: www.wds2013.hu/hu/
Source: BKK Centre for Budapest Transport
Related article:
Invitation: World Dog Show 2013, Hungexpo Budapest, 16 - 19 May
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