Soft Drink Maker Marka Revives Traubisoda Brand in Hungary
- 19 Mar 2025 2:25 PM

Marka ceremoniously launched production at its base in Felsolajos (C Hungary).
Marka owner and managing director Tibor Pecskovi said the company aimed to integrate more Hungarian brands into its portfolio.
Marka is runner-up on Hungary's carbonated soft drink market with a market share of over 15pc. It's bottling plant in Felsolajos, completed in 2017, has capacity to turn out 290 million units a year.
Andras Tallai, a state secretary at the Agriculture Ministry, said Marka would use local suppliers exclusively to make Traubisoda.
Marka had net sales revenue of HUF 19.2bn in 2023, public records show. Exports generated HUF 1.6bn of the total.
The relaunch features three flavours, classic grape, a new blue grape variant, and sugar-free Zero.
The history of Traubi:
The aroma was originally invented by Lenz Moser of Austria in 1954. It was licensed to Traubi Hungaria in 1971. The new flavour became popular not only due to the successful advertisement but also as it appeared to be the first Hungarian fizzy drink. As a result of the growing interest, Traubi was also produced in Kunbaja, Csány and in Debrecen.
In response to the first fizzy drink success, in 1973 another product, called Márka, appeared on the Hungarian market. This drink proved to be popular that time just as well it is nowadays. Márka is liked for its special orange, grape, sour cherry and raspberry flavor.
In the 1980s, due to the spread of Coca-Cola, Traubi became less popular, the production decreased by 20%. In 1992, Traubi Hungaria bought the factory of the Traubi in Balatonvilágos. However, in 1995, the trademark itself of "Traubi" and the licence to produce this soft drink was bought by the Ráthonyi Ltd, after the bankruptcy of the Lenz Moser Ltd.
Since 1995 both Traubi Hungaria and the Ráthonyi Ltd used the same trademark, which resulted in a two decades long criminal and civil trial between these two parties.
Salamon Berkowitz, the owner of the company Traubi Hungaria claimed that the original publicity campaign team, which had created the first campaign, was working on the company's advertisements and image.
Despite these and the fact that Berkowitz used the former Traubi factory in Balatonvilágos and uses the same name as the original producer company had, several court rulings decided in favour of the Ráthonyi Ltd and condemned Berkowitz for fraud, tax evasion, and trademark infringement and imposed a fine on him and his accomplices.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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