Visegrád & Esztergom are Most Popular Travel Destinations - After Budapest - in Capital Region this Spring

  • 24 Mar 2025 5:05 AM
Visegrád & Esztergom are Most Popular Travel Destinations - After Budapest - in Capital Region this Spring
During the spring period, Budapest, Visegrád and Esztergom are the three most popular domestic destinations in the Budapest-Central Danube region, where 60 percent of bookings are for these three settlements - told MTI, based on its own data.

They noted that in spring, after Lake Balaton, the Budapest-Central Danube region is the second most popular tourist region, with travelers looking for excursion opportunities and family-friendly programs in addition to historical and cultural attractions.

Hotels remain the most popular accommodation type, with four out of ten guests (41 percent) choosing them. 20 percent of guests booked apartments, 19 percent booked guesthouses, 14 percent booked bed and breakfasts, while 6 percent chose other types of accommodation.

According to data, 44 percent of bookings are for one night, one in three guests stay for two nights, while 14 percent of guests spend three nights in the region. More than half of the bookings are for two people.

62 percent of spring bookings to the Budapest-Central Danube region are worth up to 70 thousand forints, while 30 percent are between 70 thousand and 170 thousand forints, and the remaining 8 percent are worth over 170 thousand forints, they said.

During the spring period, the more popular attractions or programs in Budapest include the Fisherman's Bastion, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden, and the Aquaworld Adventure Bath, while in Esztergom there is the Basilica, in Gödöllő the Royal Castle, and in Visegrád the Citadel.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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