Concerns Raised Over Planned Hungary Fuel Marker

  • 3 Dec 2013 2:00 AM
Concerns Raised Over Planned Hungary Fuel Marker
Several European Union member states have raised objections to the Hungarian government’s plan to use additives as an identifier in fuel to prevent black market sales, daily Népszabadság said.

The European Commission, Austria and Poland attached their “detailed opinions” to a draft of the plan sent to Brussels, the paper said, without citing any sources. It said the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia also expressed concerns about the plan which could go against the EU tenet of free movement of goods between member states.

The government presented the plan to parliament late last year. Petrol station operators responded to the suggestion saying black market sales of fuel were insignificant and the tax authority was doing its work well. They also said there was no international precedent for such a practice, Népszabadság reported.


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