Szijjártó: Merkel Visit Sign Of Appreciation For Hungary

  • 31 Jan 2015 7:00 AM
Szijjártó: Merkel Visit Sign Of Appreciation For Hungary
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s upcoming visit to Hungary is an indication of Germany’s appreciation of the importance of bilateral cooperation, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said. The minister referred to Germany as Hungary’s most important European ally, and suggested that the industries of the two countries had “practically grown together”.

Economic cooperation between Central Europe and Germany is crucial for the competitiveness of the whole of Europe, he added.

Concerning Merkel’s visit next Monday, Szijjártó said that “at such stormy geopolitical times” it was a sign of appreciation.

The cooperation between Hungary and Germany is “not burdened with any open or difficult issue which could not be resolved very quickly”, he said.

Szijjártó noted that some 6,000 German ventures were active in Hungary, employing 300,000 local residents.

He added that in November last year, Hungary’s exports to Germany totalled a record 21 billion euros.


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