Hungaria President Áder: Paris Conference ‘Not The End Of The Road’ In Climate Talks

  • 2 Dec 2015 10:30 AM
Hungaria President Áder: Paris Conference ‘Not The End Of The Road’ In Climate Talks
The Paris conference is “not the end of the road” but rather an important milestone in climate talks, President János Áder said on the sidelines of the UN’s 21st climate conference near Paris. Áder told MTI that anyone who hoped that the two-week meeting would solve every problem was overly optimistic and would be left disappointed. “That is not what we [Hungary] are expecting [from the conference].

 We want to end the political sluggishness that characterised the past few years ... and we want the most polluting countries to agree on further steps that need to be taken which can then be implemented,” he said, noting that unlike at previous conferences, on Monday some 150 world leaders agreed on the seriousness of the threats posed by climate change and on the need to counter them in time.

The president said it has become clear to everyone that the warning signals of climate change, like natural disasters, droughts, floods, rising sea levels and the increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, cannot be ignored.

Áder said national governments and international organisations will all need to take political responsibility and support the “climate revolution”.

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MTI photo: Koszticsák Szilárd

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