Orbán: US Election Outcome Could ‘Change Things For The Better’

  • 22 Nov 2016 8:00 AM
Orbán: US Election Outcome Could ‘Change Things For The Better’
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that the outcome of the US presidential election presents an opportunity to “change things for the better”. Speaking at a press conference in Niš, in southern Serbia, on the occasion of a joint cabinet meeting between Hungary and Serbia, Orbán said that “things will improve” under the incoming administration.

He said international political players needed to display more empathy, understanding and humility than before.

Orbán said that Hungarians, having been presented as supporting a “morally inferior” stance on migration, the question of nation-states or family matters by those positioning themselves as “guarantors of moral superiority”, had “hurt” Hungarians “immensely”.

“Hopefully we can now be rid of this,” he said.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Szecsődi Balázs

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