Putin In Budapest – Opposition Együtt Demonstrates Against Visit

  • 3 Feb 2017 7:00 AM
Putin In Budapest – Opposition Együtt Demonstrates Against Visit
Over 300 demonstrators gathered in Budapest on Thursday evening, called by the opposition Együtt party, to protest against the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The alliance between Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Putin “is a blind alley”.

Hungary’s belongs to the West, party officials said. Meeting half a kilometre from Parliament, the demonstrators booed and hissed when Putin’s convoy passed by in the distance.

Együtt leader Viktor Szigetvári said: “In Hungary’s Parliament there is no place for a war criminal like Vladimir Putin. Shame on Orbán for receiving him.”

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Mohai Balázs

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