Hungarian Army Starts Disinfecting Hundreds Of Elderly Care Homes

  • 23 Apr 2020 8:17 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungarian Army Starts Disinfecting Hundreds Of Elderly Care Homes
Hungarian army units have started disinfecting several hundred elderly care homes across the country in a bid to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus, the defence ministry said.

On April 12, the chief medical officer ordered the disinfection of an elderly care home in Budapest’s Pesti Road after a surge of infections.

The operation was carried out by the Hungarian army’s special chemical-warfare units over five days, the ministry said in a statement.

The disinfection of homes across the country has started on the basis of an assessment of public health professionals ordered by the operative board coordinating the epidemic response.

It is being carried out by a special chemical defence unit together with nearly 700 contract and reserve soldiers trained for the task, the ministry said.

MTI Photo: Márton Mónus


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