More Green Coming to Capital City Park
- 17 Mar 2023 8:52 AM
- Hungary Matters

Since the parliamentary approval of the law on the Liget project ten years ago, several outdoor facilities have been opened to the public, including the Grand Playground, a sports centre, a 2km running circuit, sport fields and a promenade along Dózsa György Street, László Baán told a press conference.
Under the project, more than 250,000sqms of green areas have been so far rejuvenated and 75,000sqms of concrete surfaces removed, he said.
Baan noted that so far over 200,000 perennial plants, some 70,000 shrubs, 500 trees and 130 pine trees have been planted.
Baán noted that in the past years, the renewed City Park, which includes the celebrated House of Music Hungary and the new Ethnographic Museum, has attracted 5 million visitors.
Benedek Györgyevics, the chief executive of the company managing the project, said that a 25,000sqm former driving test range has been greened over with more than 20,000 perennial plants and 5,600 shrubs planted.
The area around the popular sight-seeing balloon will also be greened, along with the park area in between Kós Károly Esplanade and Hermina and Konrad Adenauer Roads, he said.
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