Home Sales Could Reach 130000 in Hungary This Year

  • 16 Oct 2024 5:45 AM
Home Sales Could Reach 130000 in Hungary This Year
Home sales in Hungary could reach 130,000 this year, climbing from around 100,000 in 2023, David Valko, the chief analyst for OTP Ingatlanpont, the real estate broker of OTP Bank said.

Next year, rules allowing Hungarians to tap their savings in voluntary pension funds for home purchases could rechannel as much as HUF 1,000bn to the market, Valko said.

He noted that home sales had climbed 36pc in Q1 and 20pc in Q2, according to transactions data from the Central Statistics Office (KSH). Nominal prices could rise by 8-10pc for the full year, he added.

Erika Kasziba, in charge of business development for home lending at OTP, said local lenders' home loan outlays could double in 2024 from HUF 600bn a year earlier.

Zsuzsa Liptak, who heads OTP Group's listings portal zenga.hu, said visitor numbers were up 35pc from a year earlier. More than 1 million use the site each month, she added.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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