Home Prices in Hungary Up Nearly 7% This September

  • 11 Oct 2024 8:11 AM
Home Prices in Hungary Up Nearly 7% This September
Home prices in Hungary rose 6.7pc year-on-year in September, listings site ingatlan.com said.

Home prices in the capital climbed 9.1pc.

Price growth continued to accelerate, ingatlan.com said.

Prices of homes in Budapest averaged HUF 1,070,000/sqm at the start of October, but were as high as HUF 1,730,000/sqm in the central District V.

In Debrecen, Hungary's second-biggest city, home prices averaged HUF 839,000/sqm. Homes were the cheapest in Salgotarjan (NE Hungary) at HUF 282,000/sqm.

Next year, ingatlan.com augurs a 10-15pc increase in home prices.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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