New HUF 30 Billion Deodorant Factory to be Build in Hungary by Giant UK FMCG Company

  • 10 Oct 2024 5:59 AM
New HUF 30 Billion Deodorant Factory to be Build in Hungary by Giant UK FMCG Company
Unilever Magyarorszag will build a HUF 30bn deodorant factory in Nyirbator (NE Hungary), Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto announced.

The government is supporting the investment, which will create 100 jobs, with HUF 3.9bn, Szijjarto said. He added that more than 90pc of the plant's output would be exported.

Szijjarto noted that UK companies formed the seventh-biggest group of foreign investors in Hungary and employed more than 50,000 people in the country.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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