Magyar on European Record Inflation in Hungary 'No Real Utility Price Caps'

  • 9 Oct 2024 6:13 AM
Magyar on European Record Inflation in Hungary 'No Real Utility Price Caps'
The leader of the Tisza party said on Tuesday that Hungary's government "has revealed itself" in the European Parliament and made it clear that utility prices in Hungary were on a par with European ones, "and there are no real utility price caps in place".

Peter Magyar said on Facebook that, when asked about a "European record inflation of food prices" in Hungary, Agriculture Minister Istvan Nagy had pointed to "the government raising energy prices to European levels" as the reason for "brutal price hikes".

"Hungarian households on average pay more for gas and electricity than the European average, and Hungarian companies pay even more," Magyar said.

Magyar said the government had doubled the price of electricity and raised that of gas seven-fold "after the 2022 elections" and had steeply raised the system usage fees. Meanwhile, energy prices at the market have fallen to a fraction of those in 2022, he said.

"The extra profit is going to Lorinc Meszaros's companies and state-owned [electricity company] MVM," he said.

He slammed the government for hitting farmers and companies with high energy prices and consumers with a 62 percent food price inflation "while enriching oligarchs".

In response to Magyar's speech at the EP plenary in Strasbourg on Monday, Nagy rejected what he called "untruths" in the speech and said Hungarian food prices had been kept low by the utility price caps but had to be raised "when energy prices rose to European levels due to sanction policies".

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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