Relations Between Hungary & UK Set to Strengthen

  • 21 Nov 2024 9:58 AM
Relations Between Hungary & UK Set to Strengthen
Cooperation in agriculture and trade must be further strengthened between Hungary and the UK, the minister of agriculture said in London.

Istvan Nagy met Minister of State for Food Security and Rural Affairs Daniel Zeichner and Alistair Carmichael, the chair of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee, the ministry said in a statement. After the talks, Nagy said that despite the challenges affecting agriculture, Europe must be able to provide healthy food for its residents and maintain its role in global food supplies.

Nagy briefed Zeichner on the Hungarian EU presidency's agriculture-related goals, and said that reducing food waste was one of the presidency's priorities. Hungary set up a scheme in 2016 which has resulted in a more than 25 percent cut in food waste per person over 8 years, he added.

He said there was room for further cooperation in R and I and D, and in trade. The UK has remained a valuable market for Hungarian premium foodstuff, bottled wine, fruit, vegetables and animal feed, he added.

At talks withCarmichael, Nagy said Hungary was committed to promoting farmer-focused agrarian policies and competitive, crisis-proof, sustainable and knowledge-based agriculture for the future.

The Hungarian agrarian support system reflected social demand for making the environment better, for instance by further improving soil structures, he said. "Farming is not just work but a way of life which is also taken into consideration in legal regulations," he said.

All efforts must be made to strengthen safe food supplies and maintain a liveable rural environment, he added.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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