'Art for Heart Auction' by HeartfeltEnglish, Párbeszéd Háza Budapest, 20 April
- 15 Apr 2024 1:09 PM

From the organisers - Ágota Székely and Orsolya Szűcs:
Join us in celebrating HeartfeltEnglish's latest initiative, the Art for Heart Auction, a charitable event aimed at supporting our mission to send some of our students to an English summer camp in the UK. This online auction, hosted on the Axioart platform, will run from April 5th to April 20th.
A group of incredible artists and collectors have generously donated artworks to us for this auction. These pieces will be showcased on AxioArt, offering art enthusiasts and philanthropists alike the opportunity to bid on unique works while contributing to a meaningful cause.
But the excitement doesn't end there! On April 20th, the culmination of our auction will be marked by a special exhibition of these artworks at Párbeszéd Háza (20 Horánszky utca, Budapest, 1085), starting from 5:30 PM.
This event will not only feature the showcased artworks but will also provide a chance to meet some of the contributing artists in person.
While the event is free of charge, registration is required by filling out the form below:
Art for Heart Registration Form
Browse the art works on offer at our auction here
Join us in making a difference in the lives of these students!
For further information, and to become part of a compassionate community, please visit and follow our Facebook page.
Click here to see the promo video
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