Hungarian-French Business Chamber Year-Opener Event Addressed by Minister Nagy

  • 7 Feb 2025 8:16 AM
Hungarian-French Business Chamber Year-Opener Event Addressed by Minister Nagy
National Economy Minister Marton Nagy spoke at an event hosted by the Hungarian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry to kick off the new year on Thursday.

Nagy said Hungarian households' incomes had recovered by the end of 2024 after the preceding years' inflation shocks. He put real wage growth around 6-7pc in 2025.

The government aims to continue wage convergence, albeit in line with economic prospects, and sees the minimum wage climbing to EUR 1,000/month and the average wage to HUF 1m/month by 2028, he added.

Nagy pointed to the need to boost the productivity of Hungarian companies, which is only about half of that of their foreign-owned peers, and said partnership agreements and strengthening supply chains could reduce that gap.

Nagy acknowledged French-owned companies' investments in Hungary and highlighted Vinci's recent acquisition of a minority stake in Liszt Ferenc International operator Budapest Airport.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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