It's Good to be University Student in Hungary Today, Explains Minister

  • 13 Jan 2025 8:43 AM
It's Good to be University Student in Hungary Today, Explains Minister
It is a good thing to attend university in Hungary today, the culture and innovation minister said at the Educatio expo in Budapest on Saturday, adding that being a university student today was "cool".

Hungarian higher education institutions are "excellent" and are at the sharp end of the international field, Balazs Hanko said.

Currently 12 Hungarian universities are in the top five percent in the global rankings, three are in the top two percent and one in the top one percent, the minister said. He added that it was a realistic goal to have at least one Hungarian university ranked among the world’s top 100 institutions and several among the top 100 European universities by 2030.

There are 330,000 students in Hungarian higher education today, 46,000 of whom are international students, Hanko said, pointing out that Hungarian universities are also competitive at an international level.

As regards scholarships, he said an annual allocation of 100 billion forints (EUR 241.8m) to 50 scholarship programmes reaches around 260,000 students, and these schemes are constantly being expanded.

He said that the Pannonia Programme has so far helped some 3,000 Hungarian students take courses at the world’s leading universities, and that number will reach 8,000 by the end of this academic year.

The minister said those with higher-education degrees find jobs in 42 days on average.

The government, he noted, had a six-year financing contract with the universities.

Speaking with students at the ministry’s stand at the expo, Hanko said the aim was for Hungarian universities to offer practice-oriented training.

Veronika Varga-Bajusz, the state secretary for higher education and adult training, said the government currently spends 11 billion forints on academic scholarships, reaffirming that it was worth reviewing the current system and developing a motivating scholarship system.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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