Revamped Hungarian Universities Jump Up in Global Rankings
- 14 Mar 2025 7:04 AM

The statement said that the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025 included twelve Hungarian universities, three of which have improved their previous positions in five broad subject areas while five universities have improved in individual subjects.
In addition to previous rankings, eight Hungarian universities have gained positions in new individual subjects, it added.
The statement cited Balazs Hanko, the minister, as saying that "the success of renewed Hungarian universities strengthens the country, the nation, and offers a true programme of competitiveness."
"The key to their success is institutional autonomy, their predictable and flexible operations and cooperation with economic players, despite Brussels interfering as a counter-party to [their] interests," he added.
"No matter what winds blow from Brussels, we will not give up our targets included in the Universities 2030 programme, which is to ensure that at least one Hungarian university should be in the global top 100 and more in the European top 100 by the year 2030," he added.
The statement said the government's aim was to ensure that instead of competing with each other, Hungarian universities should stand their ground internationally.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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