'Speed Dating', Café Vogue Pub, 17 April

  • 13 Apr 2010 1:00 AM
'Speed Dating', Café Vogue Pub, 17 April
"The event will take place at on 17th April starts at 15:00 at Café Vogue Pub, Teréz körút 41, 1067 Budapest. The special introductory entry fee is just 1000 Ft per person.

If you intend to come, please register in advance by sending email by clicking here info@mostrandi.hu

Please give us a call at +36 30 2012360 if you like to confirm last minute registration. We always appreciate advance registration.

Register at MostRandi for an exciting evening of speed dating for you and your friends.

If you are not currently single but know friends or colleagues, who are single, please feel free to invite them to attend.
They will be very grateful!"

Source: mostrandi.hu

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