Hungarian Patient Weighing 300-kg Taken To Hospital
- 20 Oct 2010 2:00 AM
On the request of the ambulance services, the fire-brigade had to get out of his first-floor flat in Dunavarsány a 60-year-old patient weighing more than 300 kilos, who needed hospital treatment. It took a crane and six firemen to transport overweight man.
Out of safety reasons the fire service have not even tried to get him to the groundfloor on the stairs or through the relatively narrow footpace but chose to use a crane, which they borrowed from their colleagues in the capital.
Their 6 firemen lowered the patient lying on his bed from the balcony of his flat to the yard, where a specially equipped ambulance transported him to a hospital in the capital.
Translated from by Ana Minadora Sbarci
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