Innovative Hungarian Research Could Yield Breakthrough in Covid Treatment

  • 22 Oct 2024 6:40 AM
Innovative Hungarian Research Could Yield Breakthrough in Covid Treatment
Research by HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences raises hope that a drug applied in oncology could be used to treat Covid-19, the network said in a statement.

The research coordinated by Professor Peter Bay of Debrecen University focused on Rucaparib, which blocks PARP enzymes and may prove effective in the initial phase of the infection and in fighting inflammatory complications of the disease in its later stages, the statement said.

"We have managed to open the way for a unique therapy that can be applied both in the viral and inflammatory phases of the infection, and which also offers an opportunity to prevent further complications in the viral phase," the statement quoted senior researcher David Bajusz as saying.

Results of the Hungarian research were recently published in the British Journal of Pharmacology.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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