Growing Recognition of Fatherhood in Hungary Via New Benefits & Rights

  • 19 Jun 2024 5:52 PM
  • Hungary Today
Growing Recognition of Fatherhood in Hungary Via New Benefits & Rights
Father’s Day in Hungary, celebrated on the third Sunday of June, highlights the country’s growing recognition of fatherhood through various rights and benefits.

The sequence for establishing paternity includes marital status, joint reproductive acts, voluntary acknowledgment, and judicial determination, ensuring clarity in paternal responsibilities.

This framework also allows challenges to paternity presumptions under specific circumstances, providing legal recourse for disputed paternity.

According to Index, expectant fathers can benefit from several allowances, which are available from the 91st day of pregnancy onward for married or registered partners with taxable income.

These allowances vary: HUF 66,670 (EUR 168) per month for one child and HUF 133,330 (EUR 336) per month for two children, providing significant financial support leading up to childbirth.

Post-birth, fathers can access additional benefits such as childcare allowances and child benefits.

Childcare allowances, known as “GYED,” amount to 70% of the average daily calendar income, capped at HUF 373,520 (EUR 948) gross per month in 2024. Child benefits offer financial assistance based on the child’s age and family circumstances.

In addition to financial support, fathers are entitled to extra leave to assist with childcare responsibilities. This includes specific provisions for fathers of disabled children, ensuring adequate support for families facing additional challenges.

Paternity leave, specifically, grants fathers 10 working days off after childbirth, reinforcing the importance of paternal involvement during the early stages of parenthood.

This leave must be taken within two months of the child’s birth and accommodates flexibility in scheduling to meet family needs.

Overall, these measures underscore Hungary’s commitment to supporting fatherhood through legal frameworks and financial incentives.

By providing clear pathways for establishing paternity and offering tangible benefits such as tax discounts, allowances, childcare support, and paternity leave, Hungary promotes active fatherhood and family well-being from pregnancy through early childhood.


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