'Mercedes-Benz Design', Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Until 14 November

  • 12 Nov 2010 1:35 AM
'Mercedes-Benz Design', Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Until 14 November
"Exciting insights into Mercedes-Benz's new design philosophy wait to be discovered at the outstanding exhibition. Rarely shown concept- and research cars, SLS AMG the new super sports car, and their development processes are revealed. Not only technology, but beauty, sensuality, as well as modernity are also represented – aspects shaping the identity of Mercedes Benz.

The design centre of the brand frequently teams up with Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, the results of which, namely students' vehicle concept designs and their creative projects prepared for this very occasion make the exhibition even more exceptional."

Source: Museum of Applied Arts

Address: 1091 Budapest, Üllői avenue 33-37.
Open: Until 14 November
Tue–Sun 10:00–18:00

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