Election 2024: Promises from Candidates for Budapest Mayor

  • 3 Jun 2024 1:30 PM
  • Hungary Matters
Election 2024: Promises from Candidates for Budapest Mayor
Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony, the mayoral candidate of opposition Párbeszéd-Greens-DK-MSZP, said late on Friday that his main goal was to improve living standards for Budapest residents, while Dávid Vitézy, the mayoral candidate of opposition LMP said Budapest needed developments rather than being used as a battleground for party politics.

A debate of mayoral candidates held on the Partizan Youtube channel was not attended by Alexandra Szentkirályi, the ruling parties’ candidate.

Karácsony said he was a politician open to green, left-wing, liberal values, as well as conservative values, adding that Budapest and Hungary should become greener and more equal.

He said a starting point for his measures as mayor was the human desire to live a fuller, healthier and longer life.

Vitézy said he was not a party politician, adding that his programme offered an opportunity to replace the party politics that dominated Budapest.

He criticised Karácsony for failing to fulfil his election promises, and using his position as mayor for advancing his own political goals.

Karácsony said that the coronavirus pandemic, the energy crisis and government austerity measures in recent year had taken 365 billion forints from city coffers.

He said that despite the poor condition of roads, the public transport system in Budapest had developed dynamically, and he called the rollout of a combined public transport pass “of historic importance”.

MTI Photo: Tibor Illyés


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