Advent Palace Festivities, Gödöllő 2010
- 19 Nov 2010 12:00 AM

The decorated and lit Christmas trees, garlands, candles, mulled wine, traditional sweet breads, and roasted chestnuts create a truly Christmas feeling. Puppet and theatre performances as well as classical and light music concerts are organised in the run-up to Christmas. Famous artists are invited to perform in the palace's Christmas concerts and operatic performances held in the Salon and the Baroque Theatre. Fine arts and arts and crafts stalls are set up as a fair in the halls on the ground floor.
There are always workshops set up for children in this traditional family event, which include the preparation of Christmas tree decorations, candle dipping, and the making and decorating of gingerbread biscuits. The ice-skating rink erected in the park is available free of charge to visitors and operates even in milder winter temperatures. There is also a nativity scene set up in the park with live animals that the children may pet."
Date: 11 - 19 December
Venue: Gödöllő
Organiser´s tel: 28/410-124, 28/420-588
Source and detailed progremme:
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