Invitation: 10th International Circus Festival Of Budapest, 9 - 13 January
- 9 Jan 2014 10:55 AM

One of the most remarkable festivals of the circus world can be seen every two years in the Capital Circus of Budapest where the artistes coming from all round the world are watched by the directors of the most famous circuses and a great number of impresarios.
At the jubilee circus festival to be held in January, in addition to the Casselly Family’s Golden Clown Award winning elephant production you can also see Don Christian, one of the most popular clowns in Europe, the Ukrainian group of dancing acrobats called The Godfathers as well as the nine strong Diabolo Girls considered as one of the best of the 4000-year old Chinese circus art.
Furthermore, also the Spanish aerialist duet Ambra and Yves Nicols are going to appear and the young juggling talent of the world famous French Bouglione circus dynasty is going to present his unique production combined with step dance. László Simet preparing to crown his career is going to perform a unique semaphore production in the arena located in the Budapest City Park.
The artistes will perform more than 30 productions in two different programmes, in a total of six shows and the panel of judges of the festival consisting of circus experts will evaluate the performances. The chairman of the board will be Fredi Knie, the director of the Swiss National Circus.
The event will be closed in accordance with the traditions with a spectacular gala night on 13 January and it will also include the prize-giving ceremony.
Tickets for this event promising to be of the highest standard ever are bookable by clicking here and in the box offices of the Capital Circus of Budapest.
9 January 2014. – Show „A” at 7:00 pm
10 January 2014. – Show „B” at 7:00 pm
11 January 2014. – Show „B” at 3:00 and 7:00 pm
12 January 2014. – Show „A” at 11:00 am and 3:00 pm
13 January 2014. – Gala at 3:00 and 7:00 pm
Source and detailed program: International Circus Festival of Budapest
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