Greenhouse Solar Panels to Be Developed by Pecs Uni With Business Partners

  • 17 Mar 2025 1:20 PM
Greenhouse Solar Panels to Be Developed by Pecs Uni With Business Partners
The University of Pecs (SW Hungary) is partnering with tile maker Terran Tetocserep Gyarto and solar panel company Solar-Napelem to develop solar panels that can power greenhouses, the school told MTI.

The partners were awarded HUF 310m in support from the National R+D+I Fund for the two-year project.

Prototypes will be tested in the university's botanical garden.

Arpad Janko, Terran business unit director, told MTI that that testing could start for the first panels as soon as the end of the year and serial production could begin in H2 2026.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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