Registration Open For EU Citizens To Vote At EP Election In Hungary

  • 6 Jan 2014 8:00 AM
Registration Open For EU Citizens To Vote At EP Election In Hungary
European Union citizens living in Hungary can already declare whether or not they will vote here or in their home country in the European parliamentary elections scheduled for May 22-25.

Under the relevant law, elections may be held only on a Sunday, so the vote in Hungary will take place on May 25. The nearly 100,000 non-Hungarian EU citizens who are resident in Hungary can register to vote locally up to 16 days before the election.

Once the requests are registered, the national election offices in individual countries send this information to each other in order to prevent any individual from voting in more than one country.

In the 2009 European parliamentary election, some 5,600 foreign nationals from over 100,000 registered to vote in Hungary.


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