Hungary’s Former PM Gyurcsány Suspects Fidesz Behind 2006 Clashes

  • 25 Feb 2014 2:00 AM
Hungary’s Former PM Gyurcsány Suspects Fidesz Behind 2006 Clashes
The then opposition Fidesz party had initiated the clashes that broke out between anti-government groups and the police in autumn 2006, Ferenc Gyurcsány, head of the leftist Democratic Coalition and prime minister at the time of the violence, told a public forum in Érd late on Monday.

Gyurcsány said the reports about the 2006 events published recently proved that the footage of his “lies speech” which eventually led to the violent protests, had been leaked to Fidesz, which “made preparations for its publication... and they made preparations - certainly in a political sense and to a certain extent in an organisational sense as well - for the clashes which started in mid- September”.

“They denied it for eight years, they lied and now they have been exposed,” Gyurcsány insisted. “If we defeat them (again) they will behave the same, mean way. They will not easily come to terms as they did not in 2002 and 2006,” he added.

“In 2002 they occupied Elizabeth Bridge, in 2006 they set fire to the Hungarian Television building... but we will watch our country and will not allow them to overturn it just because they cannot swallow their being defeated,” Gyurcsány said.


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