Two-Thirds Majority In The Balance In Hungary

  • 4 Apr 2014 9:00 AM
Two-Thirds Majority In The Balance In Hungary
The main question in Sunday’s elections is whether Fidesz will win another two-thirds majority, pollsters Medián observe in HVG. The open questions are whether Fidesz will win a two-thirds majority, whether Jobbik will continue to grow stronger, and whether LMP will win seats in Parliament.

Medián noted that more and more Hungarians “do not answer or do not answer frankly” to pollsters questions. The number of those “hiding” in this way rose from 30% to 40% by March.

Overall, 62% of respondents said they intend to vote on Sunday, a higher percentage than at this stage of the elections in 2006 and 2010. On those occasions, Medián measured 56% and 59% expected turnout, but the actual figures proved to be 64% and 68%.

As always it is very difficult to predict the final turnout, Medián noted, particularly as the result this year appears to be a foregone conclusion, due to the superiority of Fidesz.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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