Orbán: Hungary’s New Govt To Move Towards European Centre

  • 12 May 2014 9:00 AM
Orbán: Hungary’s New Govt To Move Towards European Centre
Hungary’s new government will focus on national cooperation, unity and strengthening a European centre, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said, addressing parliament after his re-election on Saturday. Orbán said foreign policy would focus on economic ties and ethnic kin. The policy of opening to the east and raising Hungary’s economic weight in the Carpathian Basin will continue.

He said efforts would be made to help the middle classes and a vast majority of Hungarians. “Hungary is heading to the centre, to the centre of Europe.”

He said that with new endorsement at the general election, the country’s new constitution, or the building of a society based on respect for human dignity, were beyond debate, as were policies linking freedom and responsibility.

He said the April election had reinforced a “second regime change” carried out in 2010 which had set the objective that Hungary’s economy should be built on labour instead of speculative deals, that the ideal of mutual responsibility should be endorsed instead of liberal doctrines, that a fight should be for national independence instead of yielding to global forces. H

e said his government would not support immigration policies, but would put in place policies to encourage familes to have more children and stop the demographic decline.

Although the next government to be formed has a two-thirds majority in parliament, it will always “represent three-thirds, in other words all Hungarian people” Orbán said.

Source www.hungarymatters.hu

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MTI photo: Soós Lajos

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