PM Orban: Hungary Can Develop Only As EU Member

  • 22 May 2014 9:00 AM
PM Orban: Hungary Can Develop Only As EU Member
Hungary’s economy can only be further developed if the country remains a member of the European Union, the prime minister said on the campaign trail on Wednesday. Those who call for leaving the EU speak against the development of the Hungarian economy, Viktor Orban said in Mor in western Hungary.

Addressing a crowd of some 200 people, Orban said voters should reject to support two political ideals when casting their ballots in the MEP elections on May 25. One is the radical right, politicians of which say that “getting out of the EU would be in Hungary’s interest,” he said, adding that “staying in the EU is not a personal issue, but a matter of common sense.”

The other is the political left which voters must also reject because they want to have Hungary “be part of some sort of a European United States and give up on its interests and on its statehood built on the fundaments laid down by King Saint Stephen,” Orban said.

Those who vote for other lists than Fidesz set a low value on Fidesz’s parliamentary results delivered in April. Should turnout be low and “our opponents will go to the ballots”, that would send a message that a part of our supporters had abandoned us. And this may have an impact on the government’s work in the next four years, Orban said.


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