Orbán: Hungary Economy Not Viable Without Agriculture

  • 7 Jul 2014 9:00 AM
Orbán: Hungary Economy Not Viable Without Agriculture
Hungary’s economy is not viable without the farming sector’s contribution, the prime minister told a congress of farm association Magosz on Saturday. The government has successfully protected Hungarian farm land over the past four years, Viktor Orbán said, noting that the biggest threat of the previous 20 years had been attempts by the “remnant communist” Socialists and their liberal peers to put Hungarian farm land in the hands of foreigners and speculators.

He said the new land act saw to it that local farmers have priority over everybody else with regard to ownership and use of farm land.

Although the act has not yet passed the scrutiny of Brussels, he said the government would continue to press for legislation that ensures farm land remains in the national sphere of influence while weeding out speculators.

Source www.hungarymatters.hu

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