Hungary's Central Bank Gov Refuses To Attend Hearing On Spending

  • 4 Sep 2014 9:00 AM
Hungary's Central Bank Gov  Refuses To Attend Hearing On Spending
Central bank governor György Matolcsy has refused to attend a hearing called by parliament’s budget committee to answer questions about central bank spending. Matolcsy said he regards the convening of the parliamentary committee illegal, as the head of the central bank under the law reports to the economic committee only.

Matolcsy regularly gives an account of the bank’s activities to the economic committee, the central bank said. Sándor Burány, the budget committee’s Socialist head, called a meeting of the body for next Monday to hear Matolcsy as well as members of the central bank’s supervisory board in connection with its recent purchases.

Burány told MTI on Tuesday that apart from his Socialist Party, the opposition LMP and E-PM parties have also urged a hearing with the National Bank leaders. The deputy head of the committee, however, said that Burány had convened the body illegally and without prior consultations. Lajos Szücs, a ruling Fidesz delegate, insisted that such matters are the purview of the economic committee.

Lawmaker Zsuzsanna Szelényi, speaking on behalf of E-PM, demanded earlier that the body should hear Matolcsy as well as Economy Minister Mihály Varga over the central bank’s recent “spending spree”, adding that Matolcsy was “lying” when he claimed the central bank had independence and financial freedom over these matters.


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