Budapest Short Of Bus Drivers
- 9 Aug 2016 9:00 AM

Mass transit companies are facing labor shortages, with several hundred more drivers needed behind the steering wheels of buses, reports daily Népszabadság. The winner of the service tender in Budapest may at best manage to lure trained and experienced bus drivers away from competitors, observed Zoltán Baranyai, president of the Road Transport Workersʼ Trade Union (KKSz), who sees little chance of bus drivers working in the provinces being deployed to the capital.
Gábor Naszályi, member of the presidium of the United Transport Workersʼ Union (EKSz), stressed that there is a huge difference between Budapest transport lines and those in the provinces. The busy rhythms of Budapest traffic, the strict timetables, the lack of resting places at end-stations and the large number of passengers together represent a much greater burden compared to lines in major provincial cities or the outlying districts of the capital.
Bus driving as a career is proving less and less attractive, partly due to the relatively low wages. At the Budapest Transport Company (BKV), where Népszabadság notes the workload is the greatest on the market, average gross monthly pay amounts to HUF 300,000.
Source: BBJ
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