Lázár Addresses A Range Of Domestic Issues
- 14 Oct 2016 9:00 AM

The decision over its location took into consideration the proximity to the M1 and M7 motorways as well as the metro and bus junctions nearby. The human resources ministry is assessing two plots and talks have already begun with the owners.
An 8-10 hectare site will be needed and the building will have total floor space of 100,000 square metres. It will be the government’s most significant health development project in Budapest, Lázár said. He added that at the request of the prime minister, the human resources ministry will give junior doctors a fairer wage deal following September’s general pay rise.
Commenting on a new law amendment concerning tax secrecy, he said just as the optional recipient of 1% of each taxpayer’s personal income tax is kept a secret, which sports clubs get donations from the corporate tax of companies should also be a tax secret.
Meanwhile, Lázár said Hungary is ready to offer help to Ukraine to address the financing problems associated with mandatory vaccinations. Some residents in western Ukraine have not received the jabs. In response to a question about the suspension of daily Népszabadság, he said the government had not discussed the issue, since neither the paper’s staff nor the publisher had asked the cabinet for its help.
Commenting on speculation that the suspension was political rather than for financial reasons, he said questions should be directed to the publisher. “We received two-thirds support in 2010 and in 2014 with Népszabadság exercising its blessed activities, so why would it be in our interest to stop them?”
The will of the government or the party is not decisive in this case; the fate of a paper depends on its subscribers and paying readers. If there is need for the spirit that Népszabadság represented, then it will continue, he said, adding that in any event its employees should be given fair treatment.
In response to a question about press reports claiming that central bank governor György Matolcsy lived in a residence owned by the head of the Hungarian Banking Association Mihály Patai, he said it would be wrong for the government to comment on issues concerning the central bank.
He added, however, that the Banking Association should be more careful. In response to a question about the planned revamp of the third metro line, he said the government considered it a priority issue and the city council should decide whether it is necessary to revamp the carriages only or the stops as well.
“We will finance whatever the capital decides to do.” He voiced hope that Mayor István Tarlós would not draw the conclusion from disputes with various ministries that they wanted to hinder the project.
Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.
MTI photo: Koszticsák Szilárd
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