Coincidance Dance Theatre: Aurora, MOMKult, 19 December

  • 5 Nov 2018 9:07 AM
Coincidance Dance Theatre: Aurora, MOMKult, 19 December
By combining a tale known by everybody, a grandiose classical piece and contemporary dancing, MOMKult will feature the Coincidence Dance Theatre performing a new version of the classic tale of Sleeping Beauty.

The performance takes a multi-layered approach to the original story by discoverng its wide-ranging symbolism.

The focus is on a girl growing up to become a woman as the various layers of the story are unfolded, including blood, the impenetrable thorn bush or the illusion of a 100 years passing.

The performance also has a contemporary layer where the original story is given a psycholofical reinterpretation through contemporary dance – and the help of Tchaikovsky’s immortal music.

The performances is recommended 14 and up.

Tickets: HUF 1,900 - 3,400

Date and time: 19 December, 7:00 pm

1124 Budapest, Csörsz u. 18.

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