Petra Schmitt, Sport Events Manager

  • 5 Sep 2024 1:21 PM
Petra Schmitt, Sport Events Manager
Petra has been working in the sport event management industry for over 20 years. Initially she gained experience in international sport sponsorship at London-based Octagon Marketing with top-tier clients including the European Athletics Association and Formula 1.

Her MBA education, professional sports background in tennis and strong sense of social responsibility have led her to become one of the pioneers in the Hungarian sport and sustainability arena over the past decade. 

At the 2010 Triathon World Championships in Budapest she led the „Green Triathlon” program, which was not only shortlisted for the International Olympic Committee’s Sport and Environment Award but also served as an inspiration to the International Triathon Union to develop their sustainability strategy. 

In 2022 she was the Sustainability Director of the 19th FINA World Championships in Budapest and in a similar role she led the sustainability program of the World Athletics Championships Budapest in 2023.

Petra believes that actions speak louder than words, and through the power of sport we can educate and engage people to act responsibly about environmental and social issues.   

1. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Budapest.

2. If you could be an expat anywhere in the world, where would you choose?

As I have already been an expat in Europe and in the US, I would probably choose a new and unknown continent, South America for example.

3. What would you miss most if you moved away from Hungary?

Family, friends, surrounding nature such as Buda hills and Pilis mountains.

4. Friends are in Budapest for a weekend - what must they absolutely see and do?

Have a guided tour to see the amazing achitectural wonders Budapest has to offer. As I am a tree lover, I would also show them some very unique and old trees, for example the 200-year-old plane tree on Margaret Island.  

5. What is your favourite food?

Probably the most unfancy food, toast with butter and salt. 

6. What is your favourite sport / form of exercise?

I started playing padel recently and I am totally hooked. 

7. What is your favourite place in Hungary?

I love the Danube Bend region and my absolute favourite is Lupa Island just north of Budapest.

8. What career other than yours would you love to pursue?

I would love to be a physiotherapist working with athletes.

9. What’s a job you would definitely never want?

Something monotonous.

10. Where did you spend your last vacation?

Sopronkövesd, it's a beautiful place called the "green-hearted village".

11. Where do you hope to spend your next one?

I love the Hungarian countryside, there is still so much to discover in nearby counties such as Nógrád or Veszprém. 

12. What was your favourite band, film, or hobby as a teen?

As I grew up in the 80's, I couldn't get enough of Madonna and Michael Jackson. My favourite movie was E.T., it was the first film I ever watched in a movie theatre. I played tennis competitively for 15 years so unfortunately there was not too much time left for hobbies other than reading.  

13. Apart from temptation what can't you resist?

My newest hobby is hand weaving. It is a wonderful activity but very addictive, so I have to resist spending too much time with it.  

14. Red or white wine?

The only wine I like is a sweet muskotályos or Tokaji.

15. Book or movie?

Before I was a big book fan, I read a new book almost every week. These days, however, I tend to prefer movies, it must be a sign of ageing...

16. Morning person or night person?

Definitely morning person.

17. Which social issue do you feel most strongly about?

Helping disadvantaged people, protecting our environment. 

18. Buda or Pest side?

Buda for sure. 

19. Which achievement in your life are you most pleased about?

I am proud of my athletic and academic achievements, but I think I am most pleased with my ability to adapt to changes, face new challenges and be a lifelong learner.

20. What would you say is your personal motto?

"Well done is better than well said" by Benjamin Franklin.

  • How does this interview make you feel?