Community Matters: Tenants' Rights In Hungary
- 25 Jan 2019 2:38 PM

Radostina explained her request to our community as follows, "It looks like my landlord started to play games and would like to deduct amounts from my deposit for rediculous things which are even not true :) Any help or advise is much appreciated! " Here's some of the feedback she got:
Noemi Noemi:
There is no such organization unfortunately. Private lawyer is the solution. Good luck!
Josey Walker:
Don’t pay your last months rent for sure. Tell them to take it out of the deposit.
Tünde Máté:
I assume you have a contract and it should have something in it about the cost of repairs. Show it to a lawyer, that's the easiest solution I think.
Karela Gercane:
1) check your contract. Any specific terms there regarding repairs? Normally you should be liable only for damage done by yourself.
2) discuss with your landlady and try to find an agreement.
3) if she doesn't agree to return full deposit - don't return keys. Tell that your friend will use the flat for another month that's covered by your deposit.
Or threaten that you'll post in FB groups regarding her behavior to warn other potential tenants.
From what you've described it looks like she's trying to take an advantage that you're a foreigner and will be leaving the country in the next days.
And surely you need to have someone along with you when having these discussions.
Beatrice Cocora:
Take 2 witnesses with you to the handover and tell her that you need a record to be made in writing of the amount she refuses to give you back and the reasons for that, because your lawyer needs it.
Tell her all these + that you need these info in avance so the record can be printed by the time you do the handover. Ask a Hungarian friend to help with the record. There are good chances she will not risk it and will bring your deposit in full tonthe handover. But if she does not, and you decide to sue later, you have a solid proof of what happened.
Vera Somfai:
First of all, tell him you will go to NAV.. he might not be paying taxes so it can work.. otherwise a lawyer.
Jonathan Taylor:
It's a pretty common problem... suffered it myself. The solutions given are well meaning but have more possibility of working in Narnia than the real world.
1. Going to the NAV. This is just plain silly. They don't care. It will do nothing. (In fact they are more likely to investigate you as you're a foreigner).
2. A Hungarian contract is not worth the paper it's written on. Coupling this with a lawyer is a waste of money. It takes over 5 years to bring a civil case. In court your landlady will claim poverty and you'll receive the princely sum of 1,000 Ft per month. Oh...after the 1st month she'll stop paying and you'll have to pay your useless lawyer to start the process again. And that represents a lot of money as well as travel to Hungary.
3. The only way to get your complete deposit is to be in a position of strength.
4. As there's no way you can achieve this, then: (A) suck it up and move on. I suggest meditation. (B) if you're feeling bad about it, then get even.... (C) if you don't want to create a problem for your landlady...then see (A). Personally, I'm both a practitioner and believer in (B). She is stealing from you. Are you just going to let it go? Any lack of action just encourages her and she'll just carry on doing the same with the next tenant.
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We believe that the advice given above, and so this Community Matters content, is given in good faith and is accurate at the time of publication - however it's always wise to consider that changes do happen in Hungary, as everywhere.
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