Viking Sigyn Captain Charged Over Danube Ship Collision In Budapest

  • 29 Nov 2019 6:28 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Viking Sigyn Captain Charged Over Danube Ship Collision In Budapest
The captain of a cruise ship which collided with a sightseeing boat in central Budapest in May has been charged with criminal misconduct leading to mass casualties and 35 counts of failing to provide assistance after the collision.

According to the indictment of Budapest’s 6th and 7th district prosecutor, the cruise ship’s captain was inattentive losing focus on steering the ship for several minutes.

He further failed to keep a safe distance and signal intention to overtake the sightseeing boat.

The captain also failed to meet the obligation to provide assistance after the collision.

The prosecutor is seeking a nine-year prison term for the captain and wants him to be banned from steering ships for another nine years on the condition that he pleads guilty and waives his right to a trial, the statement said.

MTI Photo: Mónus Márton

Related links

Video: Arrested Cruise Captain In Budapest Boat Tragedy Deleted Mobile Phone Data

Video: Ship Collision Search Continues, Detained Captain Denies Misconduct

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