Foreign Minister: Hungary, Poland 'Won't Be Blackmailed' Over EU Funds

  • 23 Oct 2020 10:08 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Foreign Minister: Hungary, Poland 'Won't Be Blackmailed' Over EU Funds
Poland and Hungary will “do what it takes” to stop any potential blackmail when it comes to accessing European Union funding, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said after talks with Zbigniew Rau, his Polish counterpart, in Warsaw.

The two ministers underlined their respective standpoints that both countries are entitled to those funds because “Poles and Hungarians contribute to the EU’s economic output,” Szijjártó told MTI, adding that “the EU’s funds are a common asset”.

Attempts to “blackmail” Hungary and Poland to give up their migration policy or other policies “are unacceptable”, he added.

Szijjártó and Rau also agreed to reject the European Commission’s new migration pact.

The package “advocates the same principle along with the same mistakes that the [European] commission pushed in the past five years,” he said.

MTI Photo: Márton Király

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