Slovakia Finds Inconsistencies In Sputnik Info From Hungary
- 9 Apr 2021 8:20 AM
- Hungary Around the Clock

Zuzana Baťová, director of the agency, said inconsistencies and a lack of data made it impossible to take a position on the risk-benefit balance of the vaccine.
The ŠÚKL turned to Hungary’s National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (Ogyéi), as Hungary is the only EU country where Sputnik is used. However, the Ogyéi refused to release the information, citing the confidentiality agreement with the manufacturer.
Eventually, the ŠÚKL obtained the Sputnik V documents sent to the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
It emerged that the Sputnik V vaccines sent to Slovakia are not the same as those sent to the EMA for examination, according to the ŠÚKL.
Moreover, the Slovakian authority states that Sputnik is used in approximately 40 countries, but these vaccines are the same only in name, as a different vaccine with this name is used in each country.
MTI Photo: Zsolt Szigetváry
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