Average New Home Price in Budapest Passes HUF 1 Million/Sqm Threshold
- 3 Feb 2022 9:33 AM
- Hungary Matters

The square metre price rose by 17 percent from a year earlier, ingatlan.com said, based on an analysis of over 15,000 listings and official data.
The square metre price of new residential property was under 1 million forints in just eleven of Budapest’s 23 districts.
Prices in the upscale Buda districts I, II and XII stood at 1.7 million to 1.9 million forints per square metre, up 14-42 percent in a year.
Prices in districts III, XI and XIII, which have the most new residential developments, were between 1.1 million and 1.2 million forints per square metres.
New home prices were cheapest in districts XIX, XX and XXI, at 612,000-788,000 forints per square metre.
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