Record Requests to Hook up Household Solar Panels to Hungarian Electricity Network of E.ON
- 27 Jan 2023 9:47 AM
- Hungary Matters

Half of the investment cost will come from Hungary’s European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) funding, which the government is pre-financing, deputy-CEO in charge of the network Ádám Katona said.
The investments will add 726 MW of capacity to the network, he added.
State secretary for energy Attila Steiner noted that the EU has cleared 163 billion forints in RRF funding for Hungary that will allow 3,000 MW of solar power capacity to be hooked up to the electricity network.
Katona said E.ON Hungária last year received 130,000 requests to hook up household solar panels to the network, more than the combined number in the preceding ten years.
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