Romaphobia: Racist Outburst Raises Tensions in Hungarian Parliament

  • 21 Mar 2025 9:21 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Romaphobia: Racist Outburst Raises Tensions in Hungarian Parliament
Amid Tuesday’s Parliament vote banning Pride, an altercation erupted between Our Homeland’s vice-president, Előd Novák, and Momentum MP Lajos Lőcsei.

In a video shared by Lőcsei, Novák is heard shouting, “You are not in the putri!” in reply to accusations of betraying the country.

"Putri" is a derogatory term for a shabby slum, often linked to impoverished Roma settlements, and can be used as an insult.

Lőcsei fired back with, “Shut up, you Nazi dog”.

According to the Momentum MP, Novák "proved his primitiveness and Romaphobia again by shouting", and apparently found it hard to bear that "a patriot of Roma origin stood firmly for Hungarian democracy".

Our Homeland has not yet responded to inquiries about the exchange.

Momentum defended Lőcsei, emphasising that he stood up for democracy despite facing discrimination.

MTI Stock Photo - for illustrative purposes

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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