Finnish Film Days, Toldi Cinema Budapest, 15 - 19 February
- 15 Feb 2023 11:03 AM

Finn Filmnapok is a popular film festival in Budapest, not only for fans of Finnish films but for all interested in films and in Finland in general.
The festival will be held from the 15th to the 19th of February in Toldi Mozi in Budapest. Two films will also be screened on Toldi Mozis Remote Cinema platform which means that anyone inside Hungary can see the films from their home.
Here is the program for the festival. Please note there might be changes in the program. If any changes occur we will inform you about them.
The films will be subtitled in English and Hungarian.
The films will be screened in the cinema, and two films will also be screened through Toldi Mozi’s Remote Cinema platform which will make it possible to view the films outside of Budapest, in your home. The Remote Cinema films can only be viewed from within Hungary.
Tickets can be then purchased at:
Wednesday 15th of February
Opening Film:
20:00 Girl Picture (Tytöt, Tytöt, Tytöt) by Alli Haapasalo.
Thursday 16th of February
18:00 Sorrow Tamers (Surunkesyttäjät) by Mina Laamo
The short film Grandpa’s Garden will be screened before Sorrow Tamers.
20:00 The Woodcutter story (Metsurin tarina) by Mikko Myllylahti.
Friday 17th of February
18:00 Just Animals (Eläinoikeusjuttu) by Saila Kivelä and Vesa Kuosmanen
20:00 Nobody meets your eyes (Kukaan ei katso sinua silmiin) by Jesse Jalonen.
Short film Flesh Flash will be screened before the film.
Saturday 18th of February
15:00 Short film screening 1
The following short films will be screened in the first short film screening:
Winners (16min)
Director: Dániel Füzés
Tuulikki (14min)
Director: Teemu Nikki
Alba Vulva (15min)
Director: Dorka Vermes
Blush - an extraordinary voyage (17min)
Director and script: Iiti Yli-Harja
True bug (17min)
Director: Tuisku Lehto
18:00 Karaoke Paradise (Karaoke paratiisi) by Einari Paakkanen
20:30 Compartment no. 6 (Hytti nro 6) by Juho Kuosmanen.
Sunday 19th of February
15:00 Short film screening 2
Following short films will be screened in the second short film screening:
Spiral (18 min)
Director: Salla Sorri, Eva-Maria Koskinen
Script: Eva-Maria Koskinen
With Innocent Eyes (30 min)
Director: Renátó Olasz
Rabobesto or How I Saved a Monster (15 min)
Director: Mari Mantela
Light (17 min)
Director: Dorka Vermes
Practice (20 min)
Director: Saarlotta Virri
18:00 Bubble (Kupla) by Aleksi Salmenperä
20:00 Heartbeast (Sydänpeto) by Aino Suni
Remote Cinema
Saturday 18th of February
20:00 Heartbeast (Sydänpeto)
Sunday 19th of February
20:00 Karaoke Paradise (Karaoke Paratiisi)
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