‘Long Arm of Law’: Fugitive Convicted of Tax Fraud in Hungary Arrested by SWAT On Croatian Island

  • 14 May 2024 2:35 PM
  • Hungary Matters
‘Long Arm of Law’: Fugitive Convicted of Tax Fraud in Hungary Arrested by SWAT On Croatian Island
Croatian authorities using information from Hungarian police have apprehended a Hungarian man convicted of tax fraud totalling nearly 4.5 billion forints (EUR 11.6m) on the island of Vir, the SWAT unit of the national bureau of investigation said on the police website.

Croatian police apprehended the man in the street during an operation organised at the request of the Hungarian fugitive arrest unit a few days after a Croatian court decided on his extradition, the statement said.

The man had been sentenced to six years in prison by a court in Pécs after a tax office investigation for budget fraud committed in a criminal organisation.

He fled and could not be contacted, so a European arrest warrant was issued against him in July 2023. Police in Mohács received information in April this year that he was in Croatia, involved in renting out property.

The Hungarian investigators used the European Network of Fugitive Active Search Teams (ENFAST) to exchange information with their Croatian colleagues and it was established that the man was living with his partner on the island of Vir.

He was apprehended on May 6.


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