What is Donald Trump Jr Doing in Budapest?

  • 14 Jun 2024 9:24 AM
  • Hungary Matters
What is Donald Trump Jr Doing in Budapest?
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Thursday met Donald Trump Jr, the son of the former US president, for talks in his office in Budapest, the prime minister's press chief said.

The talks focused on the future of Hungary-US ties, illegal migration, as well as possibilities to achieve peace in the war in Ukraine. Trump Jr came to Budapest at the invitation of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

His programme included a visit to the Mathias Corvinus Collegium and talks with the institution’s leaders and students, the chamber said on its website.

In his talk at MCC, Trump Jr spoke about the upcoming US elections and US domestic affairs, as well as global politics. He said US conservative circles saw Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán as a great leader who “puts Hungary first”.

Trump Jr also touched on the upcoming US presidential elections, political issues in the United States as well as global politics, including the conflict in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine.

On the subject of migration, Trump Jr mentioned Hungary as an example, where the government worked to stem illegal migration and praised Hungary for its low crime rate.

The country’s results speak for themselves, he said, referring to the outcome of the European parliamentary election.


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