More First-Time Homebuyers Enter Market in Hungary

  • 1 Oct 2024 5:26 AM
More First-Time Homebuyers Enter Market in Hungary
First-time homebuyers accounted for 23 of every hundred transactions in the capital this year, and 26 of every 100 in the rest of the country, listed real estate broker Duna House said.

Those rates edged up 1pc in the capital and 2pc in the rest of the country from a year earlier, Duna House said, citing its own data.

First-time homebuyers spent HUF 44m in the capital, on average, purchasing a 52sqm home. In the rest of the country, first-time homebuyers spent close to HUF 34m for an 84sqm home.

Home sales are up 42pc from a year earlier, Duna House said.

Meanwhile, Decree to Boost Renewables Share in District Heating

Attila Steiner, the state secretary for energy and climate policy, said a draft decree recently published for social consultation aimed to raise the share of renewables in district heating, while reducing gas dependence and cutting costs, in an interview with business news site Portfolio.

Steiner noted that the European Commission had approved a HUF 95bn funding plan by the Energy Affairs Ministry to support investments in green district heating technologies and efficiency upgrades of existing networks.

Tenders for the funding are expected to be called by year-end, he said.

The government is also working to raise the 2pc profit threshold for district heating providers after 2025 to advance investments, he added.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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